Only lasers can be used for low level laser therapy

The study analyzes publications from 1973 to 2016, in which laser and conventional light sources are compared, and the following conclusions are drawn. First, there are a lot of publications with incorrect comparison or unfounded statements. Secondly, other sources of light are often meant by LILI without any justification. Thirdly, all studies, in which the comparison is carried out correctly and close parameters of the impact and the model are used, have a firm conclusion that laser light is much more effective. Fourthly, it is uniquely identified that the most important parameter that determines the efficiency of lasers is monochromaticity, i.e., a much narrower spectral width than for all other light sources.


In Vitro and In Vivo Optimization of Infrared Laser Treatment for Injured Peripheral Nerves

The results of this study demonstrate that treatment parameters can be determined initially using in vitro models and then translated to in vivo research and clinical practice. Furthermore, this study establishes that infrared light with optimized parameters promotes accelerated nerve regeneration and improved functional recovery in a surgically repaired peripheral nerve.



Compared to the 904nm wavelength, 632.8nm light is attenuated more by muscle tissue, suggesting that is is absorbed more readily than the 904nm wavelength or conversely that the 904nm wavelength penetrates more. Thus, wavelength plays a critical role in the depth of penetration of light.


Penetration of Laser Light at 808 and 980nm in Bovine Tissue Samples

It was determined that 808nm of light penetrates as much as 54% deeper than 980nm light in bovine tissue.


Photobiomodulation at 660nm Stimulates Fibroblast Differentiation

PBM at 660 nm with 5 J/cm2 was successful in stimulating the differentiation of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts in diabetic wounded cells, which was independent of the TGF??1/Smad pathway. Fibroblast transition into myofibroblasts is vital to wound healing, failure of which results in impaired healing; PBM is able to foster such a transition


Effect of Laser Therapy on Immune Cells Infiltrate After Excisional Wounds in Diabetic Rats

The present findings demonstrate that laser therapy can alter the composition of inflammatory infiltrate in diabetic wounds, leading to a more balanced response transiting from a rapid neutrophil infiltration through to M2 macrophage polarization, especially with a single application of 4 J/cm2 in the immediate postoperative period.


Structure of Mitochondria and Activity of Their Respiratory Chain in Successive Generations of Yeast Cells Exposed to He–Ne Laser Light

Exposure to a dose of 460 J/m2 (accelerating cell proliferation and activating respiratory chain enzymes, cytochrome c oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase), changed the macrostructure of the giant mitochondria—much of the narrow regions of the mitochondrial tube with profiles ? 0.06?m2 were expanded (while no signs of organelle damage were observed).


Photobiomodulation at Multiple Wavelengths Differentially Modulates Oxidative Stress In Vitro and In Vivo

We found that the various wavelengths differentially modulate ROS production. In particular, the 660nm laser light increases ROS production when applied either before or after an oxidative stimulus. In contrast, the 970 nm laser light exerted a moderate antioxidant activity both in the saliva of OM patients and in both cell types. The most marked reduction in the levels of ROS was detected in cells exposed either to the 800 nm laser light or to the combination of the three wavelengths. Overall, our study demonstrates that PBM exerts different effects on the redox state of both PMNs and keratinocytes depending on the used wavelength and prompts the validation of a multiwavelength protocol in the clinical settings.


Penetration Time Profiles for Two Class 3B Lasers in In Situ Human Achilles at Rest and Stretched

The 904 nm laser penetrates relatively more energy than the 810 nm laser in in situ human Achilles. Moreover, penetration from the superpulsed 904 nm laser increased during exposure time, whereas penetration from the 810 nm laser was constant. In addition, stretching the Achilles causes a higher energy attenuation by the tissue.


Ex Vivo Penetration of Low-Level Laser Light though equine skin and flexor tendons

Results indicated that most laser energy directed thru equine skin was absorbed or scattered by the skin. To achieve delivery of energy doses known to positively affect cells in vitro to equine SDFTs and DDFTs, skin preparation, color, and thickness and applied wavelength must be considered.

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